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Public policy essay topics

Public policy essay topics

Works Cited: Gaouette, Nicole. Is political compromise a good thing? Iron also symbolizes the rigidity of policy making, which does not allow stakeholders or parties outside of the triangle to have a meaningful influence on decisions. Richardson ed. One of the finest examples of direct public policy essay topics in the European Union is Switzerland. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!

Economics essay topics

Here are some great topics on state policies, public policy essay topics. Where you public policy essay topics links, they lead to the review of credible sources, which you can use to write your essay summaries and APA and MLA citations are included. Does national debt pose a threat to the country? Should the government be held responsible for increasing the national debt? Public policy essay topics the state spend part of its budget on space exploration? Review of credible sources on the topic. What can increase long-run economic growth? Whose role is primary here: of a state or of business? How does the level of patriotism affect election and immigration laws? see other ideas and sources for a patriotism essay, public policy essay topics.

Should the death penalty be banned? Other sociology topics. Are community sentences effective in tackling crime or do they simply alternate with incarceration so that the prisons are not overcrowded? Consider both work immigrants and refugees, from Syria in particular. Should the state interfere with the military conflicts of other states? In what way? In what cases? Should intelligence be given access to social media accounts? See other ideas and sources for a social media essay. Should there be laws prohibiting hate speech? Should hate speech be regulated on the Internet?

Does the state do enough to ensure the security of the nation? Should the United States change its healthcare policy? See other healthcare topics. Should genetic engineering in humans be legal? Should the developed states address human trafficking issues? Can the opt-out donation system ease the situation? Should doctors be required to report the cases when people who are not on the national list receive a needed organ? Does the state benefit from a bigger number of people receiving higher education? If yes, should higher education be a least partly funded by the public policy essay topics What should be the policy of the state in relation to class size?

The two options are either to pay teachers teaching large classes more or to reduce the number of students in a class by opening new schools and classes. Should the developed states help and demand their suppliers public policy essay topics developing countries to comply with their labor laws? Some people claim policy concerning the cutting of trees is somehow ambiguous because it is difficult to say what is the primary need: logs to be used for paper, houses, public policy essay topics, and furniture or the alive trees. What should be the policy of the state concerning deforestation? Should developed states help and demand their suppliers to comply with the European norms in relation to the environment?

These topics are rather general and are meant for the general public, public policy essay topics. Alternatively, you can write about any current political event assessing its relevance and possibly predicting its outcomes. It is also possible to argue for the positive or negative effect of a particular policy, public policy essay topics, which was introduced in the past or has been introduced recently. You can also investigate the political science theoriescompare various state types, public policy essay topics, or critically evaluate the ideas of a particular political thinker.

If you need professional assistance to turn your rough draft into a winning sociology essay, consider creating an editing or public policy essay topics order or use an online chat to ask for essay writing help. Economics essay topics 1. Should the government spend part of its budget on foreign aid? Should the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes? What national policies can increase the economic welfare of citizens? Does globalization have a positive or negative effect on the national economy? Justice, election, and immigration laws essay topics 8. see other ideas and sources for a patriotism essay 9. Is political compromise a good thing? Should the electoral college exist? Should the costs of election campaigns be capped? Should prisoners be allowed to vote? Defense and homeland security essay topics What should be the policy in relation to gun carry?

See other ideas and sources for a social media essay Is the role of the media in relation to security rather public policy essay topics or negative? Heath and social care essay topics Should abortion be legal? Should euthanasia be legal? Should unconventional forms of medicine be part of national healthcare? Should marijuana be legalized? Should television commercials for alcohol be banned? Public policy essay topics the state regulate the price of pharmaceutical products? Labor and education laws essay topics Should the state regulate the education fees of colleges and universities?

Does college still pay off for individual citizens? Should immigrants be required to learn the national language? Should taking vacations be compulsory? Environmental policy essay topics Should the government pass laws to make fracking illegal? Should people be fined for not recycling? Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! About the Author: Nataly. Hi, I am Nataly and love engaging, fit for purpose, and edited to perfection writing. Feel free to reach out to work with me, suggest topic ideas, or give feedback on Make a Stand - the public policy essay topics I passionately grow for more than 3 years now. Social Media Essay: Topics, Ideas and Credible Sources October 11th, Controversial Medical Topics for an Essay July 26th, Philosophy and Ethics Essay Topics July 26th, Essay Topics on Education July 26th, Argumentative Topics about Technology July 26th, Essay Introduction Paragraph: Essential Elements and Examples April 17th, Get Better at Writing Essays with These 10 Tips from Professors March 6th, Easy Guide to Writing a Critical Reflection Paper on an Article or a Book February 28th,

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see other ideas and sources for a patriotism essay. Should the death penalty be banned? Other sociology topics. Are community sentences effective in tackling crime or do they simply alternate with incarceration so that the prisons are not overcrowded? Consider both work immigrants and refugees, from Syria in particular. Should the state interfere with the military conflicts of other states? In what way? In what cases? Should intelligence be given access to social media accounts? See other ideas and sources for a social media essay.

Should there be laws prohibiting hate speech? Should hate speech be regulated on the Internet? Does the state do enough to ensure the security of the nation? Should the United States change its healthcare policy? See other healthcare topics. Should genetic engineering in humans be legal? Should the developed states address human trafficking issues? Can the opt-out donation system ease the situation? Should doctors be required to report the cases when people who are not on the national list receive a needed organ? Does the state benefit from a bigger number of people receiving higher education?

If yes, should higher education be a least partly funded by the state? What should be the policy of the state in relation to class size? The two options are either to pay teachers teaching large classes more or to reduce the number of students in a class by opening new schools and classes. Should the developed states help and demand their suppliers from developing countries to comply with their labor laws? Some people claim policy concerning the cutting of trees is somehow ambiguous because it is difficult to say what is the primary need: logs to be used for paper, houses, and furniture or the alive trees. What should be the policy of the state concerning deforestation? Should developed states help and demand their suppliers to comply with the European norms in relation to the environment?

These topics are rather general and are meant for the general public. Alternatively, you can write about any current political event assessing its relevance and possibly predicting its outcomes. It is also possible to argue for the positive or negative effect of a particular policy, which was introduced in the past or has been introduced recently. You can also investigate the political science theories , compare various state types, or critically evaluate the ideas of a particular political thinker. If you need professional assistance to turn your rough draft into a winning sociology essay, consider creating an editing or proofreading order or use an online chat to ask for essay writing help. Economics essay topics 1. Should the government spend part of its budget on foreign aid?

Should the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes? What national policies can increase the economic welfare of citizens? Does globalization have a positive or negative effect on the national economy? Justice, election, and immigration laws essay topics 8. see other ideas and sources for a patriotism essay 9. Is political compromise a good thing? Should the electoral college exist? Department of Homeland Security. Get A Homeland Security Job. Retrieved from dhs. Growing the Productivity of Government Services. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

intended for a quantitative public policy perspective analysis of strategic and financial changes in small, private as well as not for profit advanced schooling organizations and institutions in Jamaica. The primary intent behind this paper would be to assess the framework by which strategic and financial innovational changes in small, private, not for profit advanced schooling institutions in Jamaica operate. They concentrate on the conditions which will make financial investments much better than be adopted and even implemented in a variety of contexts. In this way hopefully to lay smooth the road for just about any future studies conducted in the region or on the main topic of financial investments with the associated implications.

This could, hence inadvertently, provide all potential studies and researches an excellent service. It might provide them with a foundation base on which to consult in most regions of conflict and trouble that may arise due…. References Allen, K. The response of small private colleges to financial distress in the nineties. Dissertations Abstracts International, 60 04 , A. Bauer, J. An analysis of the relationship between the use of adaptive and interpretative survival strategies and financial resilience in Lutheran colleges.

Dissertations Abstracts International, 48 09 , A. Black, P. Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education: Principals. Bower, J. Managing the resource allocation process: A study of corporate planning and investment. Boston, MA:Harvard Business School Press. In "The Annapolis Report" -- a review of the legislative session -- the MPPI explains that due to the governor taking funds from the HUR all the counties' share and the Baltimore City share will be "significantly reduced" MPPI. In fact the counties' share will "have been all but eliminated" the MPPI continues, quoting from an article in the ashington Post that asserts "…counties will have to contend with almost no 'highway user' revenue. Included in O'Malley's budget moves -- the legal….

Works Cited Fauf, David Saleh. I State Transportation Fund Being Raided? A Challenge to the Rhetoric. Columbia Patch. Kilmer, Marc. O'Malley's big spending hurts Wicomico. The Maryland Public Policy Institute. Retrieved February 18, ,. Improving economic activity is when the federal government has been providing assistance to those businesses that are considered to be too big to fail. The resources that they are using: is to provide additional liquidity to these organizations and guarantee a number of different loans. Three State Policies Three state policies include: improving the quality of health care services, revitalizing the manufacturing sector and improving access to various IT services. As far as health care is concerned, the states have been trying to provide more specific resources for addressing the problem.

I am in agreement with these initiatives. Bibliography Center for Public Policy Research. pdf Defining Public Policy. Prof Work. html The Public Policy Institute of New York. An examination of the four basic steps of policymaking reveals this quite clearly. The first step in the policymaking process is the agenda setting that must come before policies are even considered. Bringing problems to the attention of policy makers and thus setting the policy agenda is accomplished by many different players with different aims, from citizen groups to businesses to media organizations and many others.

All of these groups r individual representatives and sometimes simple individuals can use a variety of methods for setting the agenda, form private meetings with policy makers to speaking at town hall meetings or city councils to engaging in media or public awareness campaigns. In larger governments, lobbying is a major source of agenda-setting activity, as the interests of groups that engage lobbying services are brought to the direct and immediate attention of government representatives in what amounts to a pay-for-play system. The political…. References Gerston, L. Public Policymaking: Process and Principles. Armonk, NY: M. Texas Constitution and Statutes.

Government Code Chapter Accessed 14 October In Canada, a much higher percentage of the population lives in remote areas whereas covered healthcare services are often concentrated in large cities eid, Medicare Expansion and Mandatory Health Insurance Issues and Concerns From the perspective of middle and upper middle income families in the U. From the employers' perspective, the associated costs could be prohibitive. Mandatory requirements for individuals could be problematic for those at the lower end of the group income spectrum; however, it would be no less fair than the current situation that forces everyone who pays for healthcare to in effect subsidize those who choose not to Kennedy, In all likelihood, the only way to make mandatory health insurance work would include expanding Medicare, at least to compete with private health insurers.

Naturally, this interferes with their…. References Kennedy, E. Any program termination will have a domino effect, thus affecting many people. The inefficient use of federal funding has spawned much debate and controversy. Consequently, this has and continues to create dissension between the government parties and among the American people. Although evaluation is a key component of the policy cycle, the process of conceiving, developing, implementing and modifying public policies requires time and money. This policy development process is often organic and irregular, due to the inherent complexity of public policy problems and the need to address competing interests. As such, evaluating public policy is time-consuming and labor intensive --….

References Dodaro, G. GAO: Promoting accountability and transparency in government. GAO Reports, 1. Hastak, M. The role of consumer surveys in public policy decision making. Kilpatrick, Ph. Definitions of Public Policy and the Law. shtml U. Government Accountability Office GAO. About GAO. Discuss the asymmetric informational problem that arises in the case of hourly loan officers issuing loans. Propose at least two proposals to minimize these concerns. One of the primary reasons that so many home loans were issued in recent years to individuals who were not sufficiently creditworthy to be able to make timely payments on those loans is that there was an ongoing condition of asymmetric information.

The individuals seeking the loans had much more information than the loan officers; in many cases they knew that they could not reasonably meet the conditions of the loan. The hourly loan officers in many cases could probably have been able to determine that the individual was unlikely to be able to service the loan. However, these hourly loan officers were being rewarded for making loans and they had no real personal investment in whether or not the loan conditions were honored. There has been much discussion about grade inflation at schools and universities. Discuss and display graphically the impact of grade inflation and the loosening of educational standards.

Make sure to discuss how this will affect the ability of education to be used as a signal of worker quality. One of the reasons that many individuals are focused on getting the best possible education for themselves is that they believe it will lead to a better job for them -- not just because they will have better skills and increased knowledge but also because a sparkling transcript will impress potential employers and give them a leg up in the employment process. This is a reasonable assumption on the part of students and future employees. However, an essential part of this assumption is that there is a stable and predictable relationship between a student's efforts and abilities and the grades that that individual receives.

Both the stability and predictability of this relationship are being deteriorated by grade inflation, in which students have to work less hard and demonstrate lower skills to get the same grades that more talented students once got. Maryland Charter Schools Proponents of charter schools insist that they are the solution to America's educational woes and many state legislatures have begun to agree with that assessment. In Maryland, charter schools have become a viable alternative to the public school system which is seen as a lumbering anachronism, no longer able to educate or motivate.

This is especially true in Baltimore where the schools are in dire need of reform. But the implementation of a charter school system did not come easily and there is still substantial opposition to the charter schools, mostly from public school educators. The Public Policy Lifecycle of Maryland's charter schools has been a very interesting one. Problem Definition hile Maryland has continued to make great strides in its educational system, like many states the performance of its graduating students has been subpar. Even among those who attend college there are notable problems. At Baltimore…. Works Cited Mossburg, M. Maryland's uneducated high school graduates.

History of Maryland legislation. Retrieved from:. CHIP: To Abolish or Not to Abolish The State Children Health Insurance Plan SCHIP , commonly referred to as CHIP Children's Health Insurance Plan , is an insurance plan run by the Department of Health and Human Services, and which administers funds to states to enable them provide quality insurance coverage to eligible children within their jurisdictions. To be eligible for CHIP, a child needs to be from a family whose level of income is too low to qualify for private insurance coverage, but too high to be considered for Medicaid Holtz-Eakin, With the introduction of the Obama Care Policy, however, which expanded the list of persons eligible for both Medicaid and CHIP, there came so many overlaps between CHIP and other secondary insurance options that budgetary allocations and funding to the former were threatened.

Owing to this, there is a lot of controversy over whether funding to the CHIP ought…. References CBO. An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook to The Congressional Budget Office CBO. pdf Ewing, M. State Children's Health Insurance Program. New York, NY: Nova Publishers GAO. What GAO Found. The Government Acounting Office GAO. The Children's Health Insurance Program: Status and Outlook. The United States Senate Committee on Finance: Subcommittee on Health. Policy Change Anti-Bullying as a Policy Change Students have been bullied while at school since the beginnings of education. Originally they might have been bullied by the people who taught them, but much of that does not continue into the present say. However, students bullying other students does continue.

Every child needs an advocate at their school whose function it is to make sure that they are not being bullied. Many times this happens informally when a school does not have a bullying program, but it can also happen formally. The need for advocacy programs within schools, both primary and secondary, that allow children to feel that they are safe from the time that they leave their homes until they arrive back at home in the afternoon is elemental. Because of the backlash that has happened at some schools due to being bullied, it is more vital than ever.

References Aluede, O. A review of the extent, nature characteristics and effects of bullying behavior in schools. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 35 2 , Buck, L. Advocacy for young children. Feeney, A Galper, and C. Seefeldt Eds. Continuing issues in early childhood education pp. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada. Hirschstein, M. Walking the talk in bullying prevention: Teacher implementation variables related to initial impact of the steps to respect program. School Psychology Review, 36 1 , Jacobsen, K. Bullying in schools: School counselors' responses to three types of bullying incidents. Professional School Counseling, 11 1 , Policy The state response to Ebola should be a coordinated communications effort. This will serve a number of purposes. First, it will maintain fiscal discipline.

Second, communication is key to maintaining public order should there be an outbreak of Ebola. Third, communication helps to reduce the risk of an outbreak, because all members of our community will know how to avoid spreading Ebola. The recent revelations that the World Health Organization and others botched their response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has done little to calm the public here at home regarding this disease. A government that deals in evidence and has a realistic world view does not need to address irrational panic, but the fact that global and national-level bodies seem challenged to come up with a plan to deal with Ebola places the onus on the state to devise such solutions.

Already, some states, such as…. References AP. Canadian nurses: Updated ebola guidelines don't protect healthcare staff. Global News. Christie announce MJ ebola team. CBS New York. Eight reported dead in attack on Ebola workers in Guinea. Los Angeles Times. Public Policy: President Obama's foreign policy towards Russia has attracted huge concern among policymakers and the public in light of recent events in Ukraine. Russia's aggression has challenged the administration's foreign policy since it is in the process of gulping up the Ukraine one step at a time with very minimal cost and less risk. Obama's foreign policy towards Russia has been accused of enabling the gradual acquisition of Ukraine rather than hindering it.

This article focuses on examining this policy and demonstrating why it is largely ineffective, especially in light of President Obama's plans to promote a policy for a globalized 21st Century. In addition to assessing the ineffectiveness of this foreign policy, the article also proposes some of the changes that could be made to promote and enhance its effectiveness. Russia's aggression that has enabled the country to slowly acquire Ukraine is an issue that has generated huge…. Works Cited: Gaouette, Nicole. Bloomberg L. Maroscher, Gerhard. Circleville Herald, 9 May Public policy development is a complex process involving multiple stakeholders and institutions.

Moreover, the nature of public policy development varies depending on whether the policies are foreign or domestic. Holloway points out the three key influences on foreign policy in Canada, including information coming from foreign embassies with direct access to international issues and affairs. Other influences on foreign policy include formal analysis, which often takes place domestically. Finally, bureaucratic machines regulate messages incoming to government offices Holloway, Yet the influences on Canadian domestic policy include ancillary issues ranging from shifts in social norms and values to recent judicial action.

For example, Pal points out the role of both the courts and public opinion on the legalization of same-sex marriage. The three most important influences on Canadian public policy in general include public opinion expressed in terms of values and norms , the courts expressed through judicial action ,…. References Holloway, S. Canadian Foreign Policy. Peterborough: Broadview. Pal, L. Beyond Policy Analysis. Public Policy Assessment Homelessness is a public policy issue that is relevant for almost every community, especially within the veteran community, where there is a general appreciation that individuals who have served their country should be looked after. The development of policies to improve a situation can be complex with many different influences and concerns various stakeholders.

These stages will be used to consider the issue of homelessness. Understanding the problem Homelessness may be defined in different ways, in United States it usually incorporates a relatively narrow definition, including only those who are living on the streets, or who are housed in emergency accommodation Daly, Public AIDS Policy -- And the Band Played on, for Republicans and Democrats alike, during this public health crisis of the 's Today, it hard to remember a day before 'AIDS alks' through Central Park, before television advertisements in the voice of hoopi Goldberg proclaimed that "AIDS affects everyone," before AIDS became a public health enemy 'Number One. Most of us of Generation Y mercifully cannot even remember a time when AIDS was not even a name, but something called 'the gay cancer.

Randy Shilt's book And the Band Played On acts as an important journalistic and…. Works Cited Shilts, Randy. And the Band Played On. Siplan, P. Georgetown Press, He focused on tariff reform in the Underwood-Simmons Act by arguing that high tariffs created monopolies and hurt consumers, pushed to end certain child labor practices, and above all tried to engender a fairer distribution of public funds for housing, utilities, and public projects Wilson, However, looking back at his pre-World War I policies, it was his adamant work on currency and banking reform that seemed to have the greatest impact on American society. The Federal eserve's Monetary Policy is the most important function of the Fed and is probably the most used policy in macroeconomics.

Monetary policy refers to the actions undertaken by a central bank, such as the Federal eserve, to influence the availability and cost of money and credit to help promote national economic goals. The Federal eserve Act of gave the Federal eserve responsibility for setting monetary policy. The Federal eserve controls the three…. Miller Center at the University of Virginia. One of the key distinctions to be found within the first two chapters of this book is the difference between policy analysis and policy advocacy. Policy analysis is primarily an examination for what and why public policy is, by analyzing both causes and effects of such policy. Policy advocacy, however, is urging a government to set a certain policy for a desired outcome. The analysis of policy is essential because it allows for various groups to then determine what sort of goals or direction they want their policy makers to advocate.

There are several different policy models that can be used to properly examine and analyze public policy, each of which is somewhat suggestive of a particular line of thought or of advocacy for policy. Institutionalism, for example studies policy in terms of its output from a number of important institutions such as the different branches of government judicial, executive…. It is widely referred to an ineffective policy or legislation. Despite high hopes and bipartisan support, the policy has not worked out as planned. This paper delves into the problems with No Child Left Behind -- and will present the changes that could make it stronger and more effective. No Child Left Behind -- The Problems and Criticisms The No Child Left Behind NCLB legislation signed into law by President George.

Bush in was launched, according to authors Deborah Meier and George ood, in a bipartisan spirit in order to do something "positive in the wake of the terrorist attacks" of September 11, Meier, et al. In the Introduction to their book, Meier and ood, founding members of the Forum…. Works Cited Alexander, Lamar. Meier, Deborah, and Wood, George. Many Children Left Behind: How the No Child Left Behind Act is Damaging Our Children and Our Schools. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Steven Kelman's Making Public Policy: A Hopeful View of American Government Steven Kelman's book on politics is entitled Making Public Policy: A Hopeful View of American Government.

This is a brief but accurate summary of the central thesis of Kelman's philosophy of what enables the American system of government to function as well as it does. Perhaps because of the contentious nature of the modern media, discussions of the American governmental system and political process tend to focus on criticisms rather than on praises of its ability to address social ills. However, it is this stress upon the functionality, rather than upon the disfunctionality of American government that drives the structure, arguments, and philosophy advocated by Kelman's book. In his introduction, Kelman states that he wishes to "evaluate how well the policy-making process works in the United States.

Bibliography Kelman, Steven. Making Public Policy: A Hopeful View of American Government, Department of State: Public Policy Issue and Sexual Harassment U. S DEPATMENT OF STATE: PUBLIC POLICY ISSUE AND 1 Policy Issue 7 esolution Procedures Policy Outcome Leaders Influence ole of technology in the process Diversity Issues Involved Ethical Concerns and Implications Protection for Employee Insights U. S Department of State: Public Policy Issue and Sexual Harassment Sometime back in , the Albany Fire Department in Georgia established a newer "sexual harassment" policy that was in accordance with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's course of action and Federal Law.

At first, the idea of sexual harassment occurred merely in sexual related claims that were against an employer. Ever since the approval of the department's policy, sexual harassment has now been spreading into every part of employment discrimination as well as the creation of a work environment that is hostile. esearch shows that hostile work environment claims are founded not just…. References Baugh, S. On the persistence of sexual harassment in the workplace. Retrieved from Journal of Business Ethics. Cabrera, N. Understanding and dealing with the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace. Women in Management Review,, 11 2 , Cates, S. The state of sexual harassment in america: What is the status of sexual harassment in the U. workplace today? Journal of Global Business Management, 8 1 , De Coster, S.

Routine activities and sexual harassment in the workplace. Work and Occupations, 26 1 , These actions, along with the ones taken to address the various economic issues that are facing the government and the country, will help to sway favorable opinions towards Labor. Where, the party will be seen as one that was able to transform itself in the aftermath of the expenses scandal. This is significant because in the world of politics perceptions are the reality. If rown can change the focus and perceptions towards Labor favorably by addressing these issues, he will have been able to successfully transform his party.

Over the course of time, this will help to make the political and economic system more responsive to the will of the people. ibliography irch, Anthony. The ritish System of Government. London: Routledge, Cowell, Alan. Morris, Nigel. Bibliography Birch, Anthony. The British System of Government. Young, Toby. But due to the ineffective allocation of resources, while money was spent on his care when his blood sugar was 'out of control,' and when he began to develop blindness and other symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes, he did not receive the consistent but relatively low-care necessary to reduce the causes of his inability to manage his condition.

Conclusion Healthcare operates within the market system, and is subject to opportunity costs like any other good or service. However, overall the healthcare system does not operate upon the principles of efficiency, often due to the bureaucracy of the healthcare system and its methods of reimbursement and prioritizing acute over primary care. eferences Gawande, Atul. The cost conundrum: What a Texas town can teach us about health care. The New Yorker. The hot spotters. etrieved February…. References Gawande, Atul. Setting priorities in health. The demand for alternative energy forms is most likely going to form a very profitable niche on the market in the near future. This is obviously the same thing as when the informational revolution began or when the industrial revolution came about.

The companies who will became providers of solutions to energy alternatives and to enable the companies to abide by the governmental restrictions in the field will also be interested stakeholders in getting the governmental restrictions implemented and operational in the industry. Recommendations 1. Increased governmental spending and involvement into creating alternative forms of energy. PROS: An important pro-in this case is that the significant governmental involvement, especially in terms of promoting and financing research for new forms of alternative energy, can actually have a tremendous impact and produce immediate results.

CONS: Increased governmental spending in any area will mean potentially higher taxes and a greater burden for the…. Bibliography 1. Samuelson, Robert. Global Warming's Real Inconvenient Truth. Clark, J. Global Warming and Its Dangers. The Independent Review, v. VIII, n. pp 3. Shellenberger, M. The Death of Environmentalism. Last retrieved on October 5, leadership a tool implementing public policy. For Application Assignment One of the most prominent tools or practices that John Bury should utilize to help reinforce environmental legislation from a non-regulatory perspective is to issue tax breaks to citizens who decided to contribute to practices that are environmentally sound.

For instance, those that donate funds to various groups that are set up for the purpose of counteracting environmental effects should be able to write off such donations and get a 'break' on their income taxes as a result. Presenting tax incentives will be an effective means of getting people to adhere to environmental regulations because they will be able to see a direct benefit to doing so in their financial statements at the end of the year. There are no regulations for this practice, and it will certainly resonate with more financially conscious individuals -- who are typically the people involved….

References Environmental Protection Agency. Guidelines for Preparing Economic Analyses. pdf Environmental Protection Agency. Criminal enforcement overview. Appendix C: regulatory and non-regulatory tools. Ethics and Public Policy Ethical Dilemma This paper discusses the application of the major ethical theories of consequentialism utilitarianism , deontology, and virtue ethics to a specific policy question, namely how to improve the nutrition of the nation's poor and to reduce the rise in food insecurity. It also discusses the implications of ethical theories such as determinism and moral relativism.

First, the theory is discussed in the abstract, followed by an exposition of how the theory relates to real-world practice. The paper concludes with a more general reflection on the implications of ethical theories for public policy-makers. The specific merits of virtue ethics are stressed vs. The more extreme and polarizing views of deontology and consequentialism. An ethical dilemma: Food insecurity One of the dilemmas facing public policy-makers regarding food insecurity and the need to improve the diet of poor Americans is the balance between individual liberties and the need….

References Athanassoulis, N. Virtue ethics. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Deontological ethics. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. If given the opportunity to amend the policy, what action would you take and why? The national proposal to increase sin taxes on alcoholic beverages is long overdue and should be supported not only by all sectors of the government but the American public most especially. The fact is well-known that alcohol consumption is not only dangerous for the consumer but also has various economic and social harms for the society as well as users' immediate environment. It means that alcohol can affect not only the drinker but other people in the form of violence or road accidents. Taxing alcohol at higher rates will provide a mechanism that will taper buying due to high prices.

But I believe that taxing alone should not be the only thrust of this policy. Rather, continuous education and awareness campaigns by both the public and private sector will go further to ensure that people…. Individual is a year-old African-American male. Although this individual is from a middle class background and was raised in a suburban area that included a majority white population, his story reveals the ways public policy can be discriminatorily applied. This individual is defined as at risk based on several factors including race, class, and gender. His race puts the individual at a systematic disadvantage vis-a-vis his white neighbors because of several factors.

One is that law enforcement officials in his and surrounding communities are more likely to stop and interrogate him versus his white peers. As second issue is that the individual was treated differently from his white counterparts in school. A third is that his parents had experienced discrimination and their experiences have had an influence on the individual's worldview and his belief in the possibility for change. Policy: The War on Drugs The War on Drugs has been…. Their labor market position then becomes a matter of individual 'choice' In Sweden, the definition of women's entitlements to welfare in family policies has changed dramatically since the early s, away from the provision of benefits to them as mothers and toward benefits that they draw by virtue of their labor market status.

Yet, paradoxically, the outcome of this shift has been the strengthening of policies that recognize women's needs as mothers. In other words, Sweden is very permissive in granting paternal leave and day care to both parents, which benefits women, but men can also benefit from these policies, even though the greatest beneficiary of the policy may be women, as women have…. Gender and Society. Gustafsson, Gunnel. Spring, : The Value at Risk model works on the lines of probability and statistics to measure a drop in value of asset over a period of time. There are various methods for measuring the Value at Risk for a project including the Variance -- Covariance methods, the Risk Metrics Contribution method, Historical Simulation methods, and Monte Carlo simulation methods.

While, these methods are simple to use and compute the potential level of risk involved, these are based on a variety of assumptions. Generally, all approaches involved using historical trends and data and probability distributions are defined based on historical trends. A major problem with Value at Risk model is that it does not take into account the changing conditions and trends and it still claims to compute risk in rare conditions. ver a period of time risk managers…. Over a period of time risk managers have been arguing and criticizing Value at Risk model for exploiting investors by making them put invest their money in high risk portfolios. Since VaR involves defining and assigning probability distributions to individual risks, academic researchers argue that the combined Value at Risk for a wholly project can be much more then the individual Value at Risk of an element of the portfolio Einhorn, Academics also accuse that Value at Risk approach tempts the financial institutions to take impractical risks Nocera, Proposed Research We propose to evaluate the extent to which it is pragmatic to depend upon the conventional Value at Risk model.

We plan to assess the results by applying alternative risk measurement tools to the investment portfolios and then compare their results with the outcomes produced by the Value at Risk. Public Policy Scholarship Despite significant progress in addressing institutionalized racism and other public policies that operate to the disadvantage of oppressed and marginalized groups, the recent upsurge in race-related incidents across the country underscores the fact that much more remains to be done to eliminate these oppressive and inequitable policies from American society. This paper provides a critical review of the assigned readings to assess the extent to which the concepts, assumptions and arguments that are presented are an example of public policy scholarship and a critical assessment of the extent to which the arguments presented in readings reveal the social justice impacts of public policy on groups that are excluded and marginalized.

Finally, an explanation concerning how the argument that minority inclusion programs are ineffective in really assisting black women in the oil and gas sector based on the readings is followed by a summary of the research and…. References Alexander, M. The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness. New York: The New Press. Cho, S. Toward a field of intersectionality. Signs, 38 4 , Collilns, P. The social construction of black feminist thought. Signs, 14 4 , Crenshaw, K. Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color. Stanford Law Review, 43, Monopolies and Trusts: Appropriate Areas for Government Intervention? Capitalism is the economic system that has dominated the United States virtually since the day of its independence.

A social and economic system based on the recognition of individual rights; capitalism demands that owners' rights to control, enjoy, and dispose of their own property must be respected. In a capitalist system, the purpose of government is to protect individual economic rights, and to make sure that no one individual, or group may employ physical or coercive force upon any other group or individual. The success of capitalism is well evident. The surpluses that this system produces have enabled individuals to experiment; to create new products, and market new ideas. These private surpluses are traded in a free market in direct competition with other buyers and sellers.

Such competition is best represented by the efforts of two or more parties acting independently to…. public policy cycle. Public policy is defined as "a course of action or inaction chosen by public authorities to address a given problem," Pal, , p. The first step of making a given problem known is through public opinion, public interest, and related issues like values and norms. However, as Pal points out, a more idealistic motivation for bringing policy issues to the attention of policymakers is actually public interest itself in terms of core needs like public safety. There are multiple avenues by which an issue may be made known to the Canadian government.

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