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Is global climate change man made argumentative essay

Is global climate change man made argumentative essay

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Climate Change : Global Warming

There are a lot of studies being carried out in regard to the issue of climate change in the modern world because it has become a major area of concern. The climate change has caused a lot of changes that affect both human activities and the wildlife. The effects are very obvious and, therefore, this brings out the question as to whether such changes are due to manmade effects or they are natural causes. Therefore, this essay will be based on the argument that climate change is as a result of manmade activities. One of the main evidences of climate change is the occurrence of droughts in areas that used to receive high rainfall.

This means that the level of deforestation has increased hence making it difficult for such areas to receive rainfall. Also, deforestation has made the soil lose for forestation to take place hence climate change will keep on occurring since such soils cannot support the growth of vegetation. Therefore, this is proof that climate change is caused by human activities Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, In addition, global warming has become a major part of climate change and the main cause is the emission of gases such as carbon monoxide. Such gases are as a result of human activities associated with the increased use of greenhouses.

Therefore, with the increased level of technology, activities that omit such gases have increased hence, increasing the level at which global warming is taking place and, is global climate change man made argumentative essay, in turn, is global climate change man made argumentative essay, climate change. As well, the burning of fossil fuels have played a substantial role in the emission of gasses that contribute to global warming. As a result, this leads to global warming and hence climate change Shine, An example is the increased sea levels due to the melting ice caps resulting from global warming.

This happens when the ability of the earth to reflect back energy is global climate change man made argumentative essay reduced hence resulting in a hot climate. Also, the scientific data is inconclusive since some of it is obtained from assumptions. Therefore, some people argue that the lack of evidence means that the climate changes are just natural cycles. Concisely, the human causes of climate change out do the natural causes and this makes it clear that human beings should control some of this activities to avoid making the earth a place is global climate change man made argumentative essay in unbearable to live in.

A combination of the natural causes of climate change are not enough to bring a substantial change that would in turn affect the way of living on earth. Hence, research shows that human activities are the main causes of climate change. Some of the remedies to climate change could be educating people on the importance of reducing the activities that result to climate change or even seeking other alternatives. Therefore, this will ensure that any noticeable climate change is due to the natural occurrences on earth. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Editing Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Paper Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help.

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The flow on effect of this was on the Biosphere this was the coastal destruction along with the Deaths and injuries of thousands. However, even though some people believe greenhouse gases have nothing to do with climate change, people should take more responsibility for the planet because the deforestation of land and the burning of fossil fuels is the principle cause of climate change. The warming that is evident is the instrumental temperature record is consistent with a wide range of observations, as documented by many independent scientific groups. The climate system can warm or cool in response to changes in external forces.

Therefore, some scientist say that human generated greenhouse gas emission is too small to substantially change. Hurricane Sandy hit the states of New York and New Jersey, climate change most likely made Sandy worse of a storm than it would have originally been. With help of raised sea levels hurricane Sandy broke records with a This is just one of the many extreme storms there have been on account of climate change cause by global warming. The cutting down of many trees is also a contributor to the high levels of carbon dioxide. Throughout the last thirty years, the world has been experiencing a change in heat with temperature Seaman 1. Due to warmer temperature around ice glaciers, snow caps are melting with higher frequencies, therefore causing sea levels to rise approximately one foot Seaman 1.

The melting of snow caps have also changed and shifted the paths of sea currents. Not only has global warming impacted nature, and wildlife but it has also been shown to be a factor increasing disastrous weather. These upswings correlate with a rise in sea surface temperature. Increasing sea levels, irregular temperatures, melting glaciers, extinction, of species, and warmer oceans are alone a few signs that worldwide climate is changing global warming. This paper will follow the human activities that cause and accelerate climate shift. Some consequences of the rapidly changing climate are life threatening- like severe heat waves, heavy rain, severe snowstorms and stronger hurricanes. If this goes on, the Earth will suffer from increased natural disasters, animals unable to adapt to the weather and die out, ice caps from the poles will melt completely and eventually the Earth will become inhabitable.

First of all, we need to know what and how these green house gases collaborate to cause global warming. These gases block the heat of the Earth from escaping. Are you shocked that our environment is becoming an issue in the world today? Humans causes global warming by burning fossil fuels, coal, oil and gas cause global warming. Over the past years carbon dioxide has been increasing and applied to the earths atmosphere. Humans are the ones who are causing the most damage to the earths environment, that movements are being made to put the mistake that humans are making to cause climate change global warming into perspective of how harmful the things humans do in their every day lives can and will effect the environment, this is so we can help to improve those affects.

By using these alternative energy sources could reduce the carbon dioxide or eliminate the amount of carbon dioxide that is being released in the atmosphere from humans every day activities. All over the world need to invest into more alternative energy sources. Therefore, this paper supports the idea that the global climate change is man-made because the humanity has deteriorated the planet state by a heavy exploitation of natural resources, rapid industrialization, extensive use of fossil fuels, massive emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the environment, deforestation, and many other human intrusions into natural eco-systems, which have inevitably led to the global climate change. Predominantly, global climate change is associated with the phenomenon of global warming that nowadays causes much concern because of its potential to melt glaciers and drown extensive land areas.

Global warming has been proved to be tightly connected with the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by power factories and other plants that mainly use fossil fuels. Natural greenhouse effect is beneficial for life on the planet as it sustains the planet temperature. On the other hand, greenhouse gases multiply the natural effect and cause the situation when heat is trapped into the atmosphere rather than absorbed by the ground or released into space. It leads to the rise in the atmosphere temperature, planet temperature, and global climate change. Moreover, some gases destroy the ozone layer that serves as a filter for harmful direct sunlight, hence increasing the possibility of climate change in some regions situated under the ozone holes.

The opponents of the anthropogenic character of the global warming claim that there have always been changes in the planet temperature recollecting the Ice Age and some other fluctuations of temperature throughout the human history. However, they cannot explain the fact the temperature has started to rise rapidly as soon as humanity began to interfere actively with the natural eco-systems modifying them to suit their industrial needs. The era of industrialization marked the beginning of an increase in the man-made influence on the Earth environment and climate. The idea of the anthropogenic character of global warming is supported by numerous researches that are sometimes doubted by skeptics and opponents in terms of their validity and credibility.

Moreover, scientists researching energy fluctuations and temperature changes have often attempted to construct various models that would explain the phenomenon both from the diachronic and synchronic perspective. These models rely on primary data obtained from observations of the planet, atmosphere, and air and surface temperatures, as well as on secondary data retrieved from similar researches. Despite the fact that the majority of these researches have been mainly theoretical in nature, they have relied on the nature laws, which are sufficient for explaining the roots of the problem.

Of course, some people have exaggerated the situation causing public panic, yet they have been aimed only at making the humanity aware of the existing problem and making people take some measures to prevent the further escalation of the climate problem. For instance, Al Gore has displayed a tendency towards prophesying about a coming catastrophe on the planet like rapid global warming, melting of glaciers, and massive floods of coast territories or islands. According to his prospects, Great Britain and a large part of the American shoreline will go underwater if glaciers melt, which is going to happen in the observable future. It is difficult to make accurate predictions concerning the planet future, but the research results display a disturbing constant increase of the Earth temperature.

The researchers conclude that more than three-fourths of the climate change has an anthropogenic origin. This way, the given empirical research proves calculations and hypotheses of many past theoretical papers dedicated to the issue of global warming. Temperature alterations inevitably trigger the chain reaction observed in any eco-system making it unpredictable and unable to sustain previous life forms the way they are used to. Natural temperature rises may be explained by the climate variability, yet they usually happen gradually, hence allowing other components of the eco-system adjust and accommodate to the new conditions. Phenomena like the above-mentioned Ice Age are extremely rare and although may be viewed as natural, are usually caused by some unpredictable and unaccountable factors like a giant meteor hitting the planet.

The currently agreed figures concerning global warming cannot be explained by any natural factors as they clearly show that the rapid temperature rise coincided with the start of the rapid industrialization and human intrusion into the biosphere. Deforestation is another significant issue in terms of global climate change. It is assumed that forests are essential for regulating energy circulation and maintaining it on the level that does not affect the entire planet.

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