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Transgender essays

Transgender essays

Israel is widely condemned for their unapologetic racial profiling, but they simply point to two facts. The problem with such a limited point-of-view is that sexual behavior does not necessarily follow from sexual attraction. The maintenance of coherent norms in the realm of gender through cultural discourse is intertwined with the positing of heterosexuality as the norm. The concept of gender-neutral bathrooms transgender essays the campaign against them is not a new concept in America, transgender essays. Gay Lesbian Rights and How Gays Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper :

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Many states and communities have developed innovative ways to ensure that key information about the health of older adults is available to those who need it to plan programs, set priorities, and track trends. The State of Aging and Health in America highlights the need to maintain the progress made on several health indicators […]. I felt the urge to write when I could retaliate with the coinage of sapumsakar against the denial of identity thrust by the word napumsakam. Many people feel as if the sex they were born with does not match with the gender they identify with. In many cases, people may identify […].

For years, transgender people in the LGBTQ community has been fighting for their civil rights. Transgender essays rights to marry who they love, transgender essays, the rights to protect their country by joining the army, and now the rights to use the restroom of their choice. More and more transgenders are demanding the right to use the public […]. Transgender individuals continue to experience institutional violence and discrimination. Although the nation has made tremendous strides in improving the welfare of transgender people, a lot still needs to be done to ensure that their rights can be respected. Besides enacting appropriate laws to protect the rights of transgender individuals, it would be imperative to ensure […]. The Transgender Bathroom Bill is one of the hot topics that has been going around the news and media, especially in Texas and North Carolina.

This topic has been around since and it has only grown more and more ever since then. The Transgender Bathroom Bill stems from transgender rights. The bill was created […]. As the issue of gender identity and how to handle it has become more prevalent over the recent years, churches in the United States have been forced to make decisions about their ideologies regarding these individuals, transgender essays. As was the case with homosexuals before them, transgender and non-binary persons have long faced discrimination from religious groups, […].

There is a roughly estimated one million individuals in the United States who identify as transgender. Often these individuals begin to feel some form of disparity between their gender identity and their biological sex at a very early age, frequently before puberty, transgender essays, and sometimes at as early as only a few years old. Unfortunately, within […]. Abstract With the increasing number of transgender youth and families who seek medical care, they often initially turn to their primary care provider, pediatrician or nurse practitioner for guidance. As creating and maintaining a positive identity is a developmental step for all adolescents, trans youth, however, have the additional challenge and pressure of integrating a […].

Ever present and always relevant, transgender issues deserve a lot of traction and there is this excelling push for reformation. Nonetheless, passionate hearts, old and young continue to fight for their own. Whether you are an ally or personally affected, the drive for change still remains. I, myself, a transgender essays of the LGBTQIA also referred […]. This can be a struggle for many of these individuals who are in young adulthood, still developing. Trying to balance dealing with the process of coming out and transgender essays stigma that comes along with it while attempting to explore, […]. Since the very introduction of Gender Identity Disorder GID to the DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersmany controversies have been made apparent.

Early Life and Education Harry Benjamin was born in Berlin, Germany on January 12, to a Transgender essays mother and Jewish father. He was the oldest of three siblings. His father converted to Lutheranism shortly before Dr, transgender essays. Benjamin enjoyed opera from a young age, transgender essays, and was enamored with singer Geraldine Farrar, who […]. One who might be of a minority race facing issues like poverty may very much find the risks and struggles of coming out to be more severe due to circumstances they are already dealing with. On the other hand, one who may be of a privileged group, and very high class may find it much […].

In human history, gay men and lesbians have been viciously persecuted. Discrimination against LGBTQ continues to affect not only the individuals but […]. The LGBTQ is a standard abbreviation for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, transgender essays, Transgender and Questioning individuals. In a recent study according to Gates, n. According to Greve, This indicates the LGBTQ Culture is larger than the population of […]. To provide better educational opportunities and inclusion of transgender children our teachers must be sensitized and skilled in teaching the class which has transgender students. Beside about the importance of transgender children society should be made aware with reference related issues of transgender children, transgender essays.

Most of the textbooks only contain the characters of feminine role […], transgender essays. Deep inside the young minds of our students are the seeds of growth and responsibility. They would like to foresee themselves as being productive and effective members of their community and our society. Parents and guardians of our young adolescents have profound provision of commitment of guiding and supporting them to reach their greatest potentials […]. There are many studies that have tested to see if transgender individuals tend to get more depressed than other individuals.

Being transgender growing up […]. Transgender Identities bring up the controversial topic of gender identity in society. Gender identity is important because it is transgender essays way to self-identify based on expression of the internal self rather than just by the assigned gender at birth. Individuals who identify as transgender women are born male who later in life transition to female. Since the beginning of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer LGBTQ community, it has been one of the most discriminated against groups in the world as they are denied the basic rights that most people get to enjoy. Today, it is still legal to discriminate someone based on their sexual orientation or gender identity […]. In the other hand, there are people who accept and supportive of the community because they are people too […], transgender essays.

The Relationship between religion and LGBTQ community is different from time and place, and different religions. Countless religions in the world view LGBTQ negatively. This Negativity can range from explicitly forbidding to discouraging same sex sexual practices, and sexual reassignment, but liberals and progressive voices actively push social acceptance of the LGBTQ Identities, transgender essays. Most of […]. The articles examined discuss the importance of safe learning environments and cover transgender essays of the […]. In the past few years, people in the United States of America who transgender essays as being a part of the LGBTQ community are progressively encouraged each day to publicly announce their desired sexual orientation due to recent strides in equality.

When looking back into history of America, transgender essays, there were countless events where individuals who came […]. Anti LGBT Discrimination The lesbian, transgender essays, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT population has long fought for their right to equal treatment with some progress made, transgender essays. Anti-LGBT policy is at risk. Under the Trump administration, […]. Currently, transgender essays, about 4. That is about In the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, it is evident that Jefferson believes in equal rights for the people, disregarding color or sex. Jefferson states: Need a transgender essays essay on the same topic?

Order now Our writers can help you […]. Over the years gender has been a problem in our society that we cannot avoid. We live in a society based on two and only two sex categories male and female leading to sex itself transgender essays a socially constructed category, transgender essays. Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristic of men and women, such as roles, transgender essays, norms […]. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to transgender essays academic expert, transgender essays. Plagiarism checker Do the check.

Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics, transgender essays. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender: Health Issues Many states and communities have developed innovative ways to ensure that key information about the health of older adults is available to those who need it to plan programs, set priorities, and track trends. Use of Public Restrooms by Transgender People For years, transgender people in the LGBTQ community has been fighting for their civil rights. Institutional Violence and Discrimination of Transgender Transgender individuals continue to experience institutional violence and discrimination.

Transgender Bathroom Bill: Support it or against It? Transgenders in the Church As the issue of gender identity and how to handle it has become more prevalent over the recent years, churches in the United States have been forced to make decisions about their ideologies regarding these individuals. The Effects of the Ostracization of Transgender Youth There is a roughly estimated one million individuals in the United States who identify as transgender. Disenfranchised Transgender People of Color Current Events Ever present and always relevant, transgender essays, transgender issues deserve a lot of traction and there is this excelling push for reformation.

The Case of Transgenderism Since the very introduction of Gender Identity Disorder GID to the DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersmany controversies have been made apparent. Harry Benjamin: a Pioneer in Transgender Care Early Life and Education Harry Benjamin was born in Berlin, Germany on January 12, to a German mother and Jewish father. Transgender Youth Issues One who might be of a minority race facing issues like poverty may very much find the risks and struggles of coming out to be more severe due to circumstances they are already dealing with. The Oppression of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Questioning The LGBTQ is a standard abbreviation for Lesbians, Gays, transgender essays, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning individuals.

Training Teachers and Awareness in Society Transgender essays provide better educational opportunities and transgender essays of transgender children our teachers must be sensitized and skilled in teaching the class which has transgender students. Gender Identity and Expression Deep inside the young minds of our students are the seeds of growth and responsibility. Controversial Topic : Gender Identity Transgender Identities bring up the controversial topic of gender identity in society. Discrimination of the LGBTQ Community Since the beginning of the lesbian, transgender essays, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer LGBTQ community, it has been one of the most discriminated against groups in the world as they are denied the basic rights that most people get to enjoy.

All Religion View LGBTQ Life Styles Negatively The Transgender essays between religion and LGBTQ community is different from time and place, and different religions. Types of Discrimination Exists in the Diverse LGBTQ Community In the past few years, transgender essays, people in the Transgender essays States of America who identify as being a part of the LGBTQ community are progressively encouraged each day to publicly announce their desired sexual orientation due to recent strides in equality. Anti LGBT Transgender essays Anti LGBT Discrimination The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT population has long fought for their right to equal treatment with some progress made. LGBTQ in our Society Currently, about 4. The Ideal America VS the Real America In the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, it is evident that Jefferson believes in equal rights transgender essays the people, disregarding color or sex, transgender essays.

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Frameworks of ethical practice direct the attention of counseling practitioners to engage in ethical responsibilities. This stud describes the purpose of each principle following the development of good counseling practice. Practitioners make reasonable decisions grounded on these principles without making any contradictions. Nevertheless, research indicates that professionals have met barriers hindering them to integrate all the principles in some cases. In such situations, they are forced to select between required principles.

A course of action or a decision…. References BACP Ethical Framework. The Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling. Pp Accessed April 7, from www. pdf Clarkson, P. The Therapeutic Relationship. New York NY: Wiley Handout 1. MkSame-Sex Relationships, an Historical Overview. A review by Robin Heme Handout 2. What are the potential abuses of these kinds of power in the relationship between counsellor and client? Janet Dowding Geertz and Common Sense Geertz: Analysis Common Sense I have come to agree with Geertz in his conclusion that common sense is shaped by the society and culture we live in. Geertz describes common sense as "a relatively organized body of considered thought" p. Throughout Local Knowledge, he refers to common sense as being based in history and personal experiences.

He offers that myth and accepted generalizations in a society for the foundation of what we call common sense. I particularly agree with Geertz in his assessment of the way intersexuality confuses the biological science scene and communities because common sense generally places sexuality into two categories: "maleness and femaleness. Common sense, as Geertz defines it, is more than the "matter-of-fact apprehension of reality" pp. Common sense can be viewed as a cultural system because it is a loosely organized body…. Reference Geertz, Clifford.

The maintenance of coherent norms in the realm of gender through cultural discourse is intertwined with the positing of heterosexuality as the norm. Butler would interpret the child's act as a "performance" and the parents' intervention as a means of correcting that performance in order to condition the child towards "acting the right way" - that is, enacting the role of maleness as it is rigidly codified by the heterosexual norms upon which our society is based: The notion that there might…. References Bornstein, K. Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us. New York: Vintage. Butler, J. Gender Trouble. New York: Routledge. Clausen, J. Apples and Oranges: My Journey to Sexual Identity. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

Indeed, the lack of "recognition and protection" by schools in general contributes to the "critically high level of suicide" among this community of minority students Surely alert, competent, contemporarily up-to-date school counselors understand that they have the "daunting but imperative obligation to become social activists for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students" since these students are the most "stigmatized members of school environs," Stone continues. There is no doubt that certain legal and ethical issues come in the way of school counselors' being free to help LGBT adolescents with their difficult decisions.

Supreme Court has affirmed that fact in several cases ,…. Works Cited Cabaj, Robert Paul, and Smith, Mickey. Overview of Treatment Approaches, Modalities, and Issues of Accessibility in the Continuum of Care. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. A Provider's Introduction to Substance Abuse. individual's level of sexual identity development relates to their level of job satisfaction depends on numerous variables -- such as the confidence with which one identifies their sexuality, the degree to which that identity is accepted among peers, and the extent to which that identity places one as a minority. As the U. Merit Systems Protection Board n. indicates, "Minorities also tend to be at a disadvantage in terms of job rewards, which no doubt has an impact on their job satisfaction as well as career advancement in the long run" p.

The issue therefore is one of whether the individual's sexual identity is a cause of tension or stress both for the individual and for colleagues. To the extent that it is an issue, the individual's job satisfaction is likely to be comparably impacted. The functions of heterosexual privilege are 1 to enable heterosexuals to maintain a high…. This may be responsible for gender identity misidentification when factors other than apparent external genital structure conflict with other elements. For this reason, Fausto-Sterling argues that infants born with ambiguous genitalia should not receive surgery until later in life when they begin to express their natural gender identity.

Sex Hormones vs. Steroid Hormones: Faustino-Sterling also objects to the very definition of human steroid hormones as "sex hormones" because they exert many more effects on the developing human body than merely those related to determining gender and sexuality. The author suggests that the more accurate view…. References Cited Fausto-Sterling, Anne Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. Basic Books. Collective behavior" and the tonewall Riots The term "collective behavior" refers to behavior that militates against social norms and conventions regarding the way that individuals should behave in society and differing to the way that they normally behave when not in a crowd environment.

A crowd environment causes certain spontaneity to actions and a certain animal emotion that is lacking in regular 'separate existence'. cholars have devoted considerable attention to assessing why such is the case, and have generated various theories that may explain the phenomena. Examples of instances of collective behavior include religious revivalist meetings where individuals behave in unusual ways, oftentimes totally contradictory to their private persona; panic in a burning location; or the spectacle of Black Friday where frenzy climbs and swirls around bargain hunting. The phenomenon of collective behavior too was clearly evident in the debacle of the "The tonewall Riots" and we will, therefore, take….

Sources Armstrong, Elizabeth A. SocINDEX with Full Text. Baird, Robert M. Homosexuality: debating the issues. Amherst, N. Notes on Stonewall PGS Berk, Richard. Collective Behavior W. Brown Co Blumer, H. Lee, ed. Any diversion from that norm is considered deviance. Gender Awareness Week should seek to accomplish several goals. First, the week of seminars and workshops will inspire all of us to think more cogently about gender. What does gender mean to us and to our identity? How has gender identity affected our behaviors, our relationships, our reactions to external events? How has our gender identity affected the way others relate to us? I would encourage all students to become more aware of gender in their daily lives.

We need to pay attention to instances in which gender is particularly salient. For example, do males react differently to a woman wearing a skirt and heels than to a woman wearing jeans and Doc Martins? Second, Gender Awareness Week should stimulate more media literacy. The media promotes and reinforces gender norms. For example, a recent Victoria's Secret lingerie fashion show included brief biographies…. While it used to be primarily the face, the breasts and more visible parts of the body that people chose to have cosmetic surgery on, today they are taking things a step further. According to Davis one of the most popular "new sex surgeries" is the "designer vagina. Clearly, people are becoming bolder and surgeries are becoming more invasive. For many people, the effect these surgeries have on their relationships with their bodies is improved self-esteem and confidence.

But for many others, it becomes just one part of an endless and futile attempt to attain perfection. eferences Davis, S. References Davis, S. John Brown applied for a job as a grounds worker at a federal facility and was denied employment because of his sexual orientation. He asks you to explain the law relevant to his situation. What if the same thing happened at Boston University? Unfortunately title VII does not prohibit discrimination because of an individual's sexual orientation. Though Title VII prohibits discrimination because of sex, the word sex is interpreted gender. However, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act ENDA , is a proposed U. federal law that would prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation.

If it happened at Boston University, the University would pursue affirmative action and adherence to state and federal laws. Six months after Harry was hired as a part-time retail clerk, twenty hours a week, he called in sick on a Wednesday morning.. At first, his mother told the store manager that Harry had the flu and would…. Safe Schools for Lesbian and Gay Students It is important that all children feel safe in the school environment. The majority of waking hours are spent at school, so it must be ensured that students feel comfortable, safe, secure, and supported while at school.

This is especially the case for lesbian and gay students, who face several challenges in regards to discrimination, self-esteem, and fitting in with other students. It is the responsibility of teachers and school administrators to address this issue and devise strategies for ensuring that lesbian and gay students are appropriately supported in the school environment. Lesbian and gay students often feel isolated, alienated, and left out at school Youth Pride, These feelings of isolation result in several troubling outcomes. Suicide rates among lesbian and gay students are high, with studies indicating that gay and lesbian students are up to three times more likely to attempt…. References Bullying. org Lambda Legal Getting down to basics: tools to support LGBTQ youth in care.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Public policy and government affairs. Schwartz, R. GLSEN lauds bipartisan introduction of safe schools improvement act S. Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. Transsexualism: A Primer Among the important discussions in the field of medical science is whether transgenderism is really a 'biological' or rather an 'invented' disorder. The medical notion of transsexualism is "an illusion" or a falsehood whose explanation must thus be looked forward to in terms other than the putative thing itself.

Because of this, medical doctors are worried with whether they must treat the transgender subject by assisting them make adjustments to their present body, or if they should adjust to their current body, or if they must adjust the current body to fit the person's self. How Heterosexism Impacts Healthcare of Transgendered The Transition: It has been observed that transition has been the single greatest concern faced by transsexual. For transsexual, it implies settling comfortably into ones' new life and waking up one morning…. References Baker, Howard. Transsexualism- Problems in Treatment. American Institute of Psychiatry.

Dwyer, Lisa. How Heterosexism Impacts Healthcare of Transgendered. html N. A Primer on Transsexuality. Elder's "Experiences of Older Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults in Psychotherapy" is a qualitative study of gender identity in an elder population. The research focuses exclusively on elder transgender and also gender nonconforming elders in their experiences of psychotherapy. The goal of the study is to trace any differences between psychotherapeutic experiences across the life span, to see if there have been changes in the field of psychology and also changes in the perceptions of transgender and gender nonconforming individuals. Elder argues that relatively few studies have examined the experiences of transgender individuals in psychotherapy at all, and this research seeks to fill that gap in the literature too.

The author approaches the subject from a transaffirmative model, which validate and support the individual's self-determined gender identity without leading to pathologies like gender dysmorphia. There are several established theoretical viewpoints mentioned in the research including Lev's transgender emergence…. References Elder, A. Experiences of Older Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults in Psychotherapy: A Qualitative Study. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 3 2 : LBGTQ RightsLBGTQ is a society that does not fall in either the male or female gender norms of the society. This is due to the embodiment of the characteristics related to both sexes that differentiate them explicitly but do not take into consideration if either one of them is missing or both are present.

This paper aims at explaining the aspects mentioned about the LBGTQ rights and the contemporary issues that are still faced by this community despite the modernization of the society. The thoughts and standpoints would be thoroughly scrutinized in the light of authentic readings that would support explaining the phenomenon. The contemporary issue that has taken the news by storm is Joe Bidens decision to grant an educational environment free from discrimination of sex, even including sexual orientation or gender individuality Executive Order on Guaranteeing. American society has been striving to set an example for the world….

Works Cited Butler, Judith. Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory. Feminist Local and Global Theory Perspectives Reader, edited by Carole R. McCann and Seung-Kyung Kim, Routledge, , pp. Executive Order on Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free from Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity. The White House, 8 Mar. Modules on Butler: On Gender and Sex. Introduction Guide to Critical Theory, n. html Hopkins, Patrick. Gender Treachery: Homophobia, Masculinity, and Threatened Identities. Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality: The Big Questions, edited by Naomi Zack, Laurie Shrage and Crispin Sartwell, , pp. Institute of Medicine US Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Issues and Research Gaps and Opportunities.

The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding. Introduction to Sociology. Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference. pdf Ma Vie En Rose. Groucho Reviews, n. Annabel by Kathleen inter Many people use the terms gender and sex interchangeably. Sociologists have made it clear that these are, in fact, two very different concepts. Sex is the physical difference between men and women. Gender is the sociological difference that society places on male and female based on attributes that have been historically applied to one sex over the other. There is a clear delineation between gender and sex. This distinction is the subject of the novel Annabel by Kathleen inter. A young person is born without a clear distinction over what his or her physical sex is and thus the physical cannot determine if the begin is man or woman.

Therefore, the only way that the person is labeled with regard to these categories is by the gender imposition of his or her mother and father who are clearly physically and sociologically male and female. Annabel artistically…. Works Cited Berger, Kathleen Stassen. The Developing Person. Worth "David Reimer: The Boy Who Lived as a Girl. CBC News. Walker, Jesse. Randhom House: New York. moral panic, especially with regard to those who are transgender in the society. The Moral Panic of Transgender The Grassroots Model describes moral panic as that which arises from a society's spontaneous reaction to what the society perceived to be morally deviant behavior.

The deviance is perceived to be a danger to the society's moral fiber and this creates a lot of stress, which can lead to anger. This stress may not have an avenue to be expressed directly Social Context Moral Entrepreneurs, n. When the displacement of these anxieties happens, there may be direction of the same to the social deviants as they are regarded as the cause of all this. Kai Erickson, in her book 'the Wayward Puritans', demonstrates this when she relates how the people of Massachusetts Bay Colony went back to witch-hunting as a way to direct the anxiety that arose from social deviance. The transgender…. References Abowd-Chicago, M. Futurity: Research News from Top Universities. How transgender policy sets off 'gender panic' - Futurity.

PDF Document n. Bending gender, ending gender…" is extremely well written and astutely organized. Callahan's article functions as a critique of Burdge's article of the same name. Callahan structures her article in a straight forward fashion -- she begins by stating Burdge's purpose in writing the article, provides essential background information and clarifies a few terms, then denotes the article's strengths and weaknesses. To Callahan's credit, she largely refrains from issuing opinions and buttresses her viewpoint with a ready supply of quotations from Burdge's work.

As such, the reader is able to ascribe a degree of validity and reliability to Callahan's article, which definitely makes it one worth reading. One of the really useful points about Callahan's article is the fact that it was unequivocally written for a scholarly audience. She makes clear points, her logic and arguments are cogent, and the paper is fairly cohesive. There is also a fair amount of…. References Callahan, Rebecca. Bending Gender, Ending Gender: Theoretical Foundations for Social Work Practice with the Transgender Community. Social Work, Jan Available at.

If they repent and mend their ways, then let them be, and there is no mention of the punishment and the negativity is not so strong and in other cases of deviant behavior from the religion which result in death. Levine express more public affection with men rather than with women and today gayness is becoming open. There are local resources in Turkey today for same sex couples. There is also a magazine run exclusively for gays called the Kaos GL. This shows that the community has finally accepted the gay culture though not on equal terms.

Tolerance seems to have crept in for the larger part of Turkey which is now modernized with European contact. References Ayliffe, Rosie. The rough guide to Turkey. Rough Guides, Birch, Nicholas. Was Ahmet Yildiz the victim of Turkey's first gay honor killing? the Independent, July 19, Matthew Shepad Stoy," diected by Roge Spottiswoode, is a Canadian-Ameican television film highlighting the tue stoy of yea-old gay youth, Matthew Shepad. The film scenaio witten by Jacob Kuege and John Wieick, stas Stockad Channing as Judy Shepad, Sam Wateson as Dennis Shepad, and Shane Meie as Matthew Shepad.

The poduces of the film wee Alliance Atlantis Communications and the film pemieed Mach 16, on NBC and CTV. The film "The Matthew Shepad Stoy" depicts the violent hate cime committed by a pai of men who beat and ob Matthew one night in Octobe in Wyoming. Matthew was left to die, while the two men sped off in the ca. The fist scene in the movie goes staight to the violence, showing the two men tying up, beating Matthew, and taking off his shoes. references and Gender Identities Worldwide. pdf Henshaw, A. Geographies of Tolerance: Human Development, Heteronormativity, and Religion. Towards tolerance. Exploring changes and explaining differences in attitudes towards homosexuality in Europe. Sociaal En Cultureel Planbureau. Does Culture Matter? The Impact of Tolerance on Economic Modernization in a Comparative Perspective.

SSRN Journal. As previously mentioned, Crisp is openly homosexual and his exhibitionist impulses and self-destructive behavior motivates the struggle within his life vs. unoriginal heroic desire. Similarly to Dil who lives his life, at times showing self-destruction as she guns down Jude and ties up Fergus, by her own rules, choosing to be a woman amidst a time when being transgendered was severely frowned upon. The journey for both Crisp and Dil though hard, ultimately led to a strong sense of gender identity and an awakening of both sexuality and eroticism as they found their way through gender and sex. The journey for Crisp began after leaving his parent's home and venturing off into various jobs like a tap dance instructor and commercial artist.

Although he met some initial success in these jobs, he ends up one of the few places that allows openly gay men. And even with constant ridicule from…. Isabelle and Therese from the movie Therese and Isabelle is a story about two lesbian women who defy convention by having a love affair in their boarding school. Their love is very intimate with scenes of conformity as Therese has sexual intercourse with a boy as an attempt to normafy herself as Goffman states on page 12 of his book, Stigma. Scenes in the beginning of Therese's mother preparing her for marriage put pressure on the young woman to adhere to the gender identity and sexuality society predetermined for her.

The scenes are sweet and innocent laced with a tinge of fear as they are become fearful of someone coming into the room to find them making love. A scene in Isabelle's room gets interrupted by a noise the couple hear from outside the hallway. Their relationship ends much like that of Maurice and Clive. In the novel, Maurice, Maurice and Clive are two college friends who engage in a homosexual relationship. Unlike with Isabelle and Therese, they are not as intimate and the relationship lasts longer, for two years. Similarly however, Clive like Therese wishes to conform and be normal and decides to marry leaving Maurice alone. The story however continues and Maurice finds solace and connection in Alec. However Alec blackmails him and in his attempt to cure what Dr.

Larken terms, "congenital homosexuality" tries hypnosis. Eventually his desire to rebel against society's norms and be with Alec lead him and Alec to relinquish leading closeted gay lives for a happy life with each other. Overall movies and films tend to show the world a different or unique perspective. These people like any other people struggle to conform, to meet the expectations of society, but also lead their own lives and fulfill their gender identity and sexual orientation. After all, sexuality is a large part of a person. sexual orientation and proclivity, the times are definitely changing.

Once, tolerance was something that people simply talked about and did not actually have to practice. Today, tolerance is something that people need to simply keep pace with a number of developments that have impacted various members of the gay, lesbian, and transgender community. Gay pride has become more and more common; there are specific time periods dedicated to this sort of pride. Personally, I have mixed feelings about these developments. There are some scientific and sociological aspects of this phenomenon that seem unsettling, although there are also some noteworthy advancements related to tolerance for which this movement deserves commendation.

One of the most notable aspects of the changes that have affected the lesbian, gay and transgender community pertains to the military. Once, homosexuals were not allowed in the military. It was not uncommon for those who did infiltrate the ranks…. As a result Cuypere et al. conducted a study which evaluated the physical and sexual health of individuals that received reassignment surgery. The participants were Dutch speaking participants that had the surgery between and Cuypere et al. The results demonstrate that those participants going form Female-to-males had more problems establishing a secure relationship following the transition Cuypere et al.

In fact the study found that a third of the female-to-males did not have a sexual partner following the surgery even though their sexual drives were intact Cuypere et al. The results also found that in spite of the fact that participants had masculine presentations and sex organs, many of them steered clear of a relationship with a potential partner. This avoidance was present because he participants were not yet confident in their maleness Cuypere et al. The study also found that when transsexual…. References Bartlett N. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. Page Number: Bodlund, O.

Transsexualism -- General outcome and prognostic factors: A five-year follow-up study of nineteen transsexuals in the process of changing sex. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 25, Carroll L. Cuypere G. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Volume: Issue: 6. Childhood Development of Sexual Minorities One might originally think it odd to approach a question about the experienced childhood development of minorities by opening a discussion of the children who will grow to be sexual and gender-identity minorities. Unlike most other minorities, these children are not generally being raised in a minority culture and family, and do not have the immediate support of their own race or culture about them to help prepare them for life as a minority.

So in some ways, this is actually the ideal place to start such a discussion, because in this area one has unmitigated access to the experience of being a minority on the child's development, without the sheltering environment that surrounds other minorities. These children will, a majority of the time, emerge from the crucible of childhood as homosexual or possibly bisexual adults. A few more will go on to actually have…. Bibliography ACPM. htm Ceglie, Domenico. GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER IN YOUNG PEOPLE. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment , vol. html Mermaids. Alternative Sexuality in Mainstream Media Representations of transgender individuals have traditionally been highly stereotypical in mainstream media.

According to Mocarski et al. Bono participated in the competition as a male dancer, just like any other male involved in the show. But ballroom dance, the authors argue, is an inherently transgressive practice. On one hand, it reaffirms gender given that male and female roles are quite rigidly defined within the context of a dance. On the other hand, the costumes, sequins, and theatricality of dance, even for males, can be quite gender-disturbing. It is not uncommon to hear jokes about the sexual orientation of male dancers as a result. On the other hand, some argued that as a white…. Ancient ome openly accepted male-to-female transsexuals, allowing them to assume female identities without negative social repercussions, obviously long before the science existed for them to have gender-reassignment surgery eitz, Modern Indian society has Hijiras, transsexuals that, while not always treated with respect, are accorded their own gender identity and not relegated to male or female eitz, The Nadles could be intersexed people or transsexual people of either gender eitz, The Sioux referred to transsexuals as Winkte, and allowed them to completely assume their preferred gender.

In Sioux society no special magic was associated with this, it was just considered a way of correcting a mistake of nature" eitz, What these examples make clear is that, in a different society,…. References NNDB. David Reimer. Boys Don't Cry. Fox Searchlight Films. Reitz, J. What is transsexuality? Retrieved February 23, from Transsexuality. And Wellbeloved, J. The authors provide a clear image of the challenges faced by transgender individuals in general, and the particular challenges they face within societies that are less open-minded than some Western nations.

Even in more liberal and open-minded societies, transgender individuals are frequently misunderstood. They are assumed to be part of the homosexual community by mainstream culture but often do not fit within that population either. Alternatively, they are viewed as recreational fetishists like transvestites who enjoy cross-dressing. One of the most difficult aspects of life as transgender individual is that many of them are heterosexual but have an undeniable feeling that they are locked into the body of the wrong gender. It is rarely a matter of choice for them, since they typically have felt that way since early childhood.

Moreover, in most cases, their compulsion to identify with the physical aspects of their…. Does that make her a lesbian? The movie ignores an in-depth consideration of this issue, which is unusual. After all, Brandon's murder is motivated, at least in part, because of his homosexuality and refusal to comply with gender norms that would dictate he be attracted to males. Lana is neither murdered nor raped; clearly, the characters in the movie see a difference between Lana and Brandon, even if both of them were, at least by any plain definition of the word, lesbians. as Lana rewarded for being feminine, even if she was a lesbian? Does this suggest that the filmmaker was saying that females can express alternative sexualities as long as they do so in a way that is perceived as somehow non-threatening to dominant male heterosexuality?

Or is the difference in how Lana and Brandon were treated simply due to the fact that Lana was known to Brandon's assailants,…. Works Cited Noble, Jean Bobby. Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions. Vancouver: UBC Press, Cyber Feminism, Gender and Technology Cyberfeminism, Gender and Technology Feminist movement found on the internet is known as Cyberfeminism. In recent times, the term has gained controversial status. Cyberfeminism, a fundamental issue from the feminist perspective, is mostly ignored by researchers and academics. It concentrates on empowerment of women through the cyberspace. Furthermore, it deals with female enlightenment and concentrates on creating awareness on how the digital technologies can influence the rights and social status of women.

The digital technologies act as a medium of re-embodying the issue of racism and gender. Internet is the new medium used to erase the identity of women; that is; women are the erased race. However, the internet has played a significant role in promoting Cyberfeminism by pointing out that several feminist studies and internet activities are done by the online media. It cannot be denied that technology plays an important role in promoting…. Work Cited: 1. Chon, Margaret. Erasing Race? A Critical Race Feminist View of Internet Identity Shifting, Nakamura, Lisa. Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet.

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet. London: Routledge, Wilding, Faith. Where is Feminism in Cyberfeminism?. Cyberfeminist International. Ariel Schrag is a cartoonist, television writer, and novelist. Schrag is perhaps best known through her television work, on the groundbreaking lesbian-themed Showtime series "The L Word" for which she wrote over two seasons in and the HBO series "How to Make It In America" in Schrag first came to prominence, however, in the cartooning scene, with her series of autobiographical graphic novels in the late s about being a lesbian in high school in Berkeley, California -- where she indeed grew up, attended high school, and started publishing these cartoon chronicles of her teenage lesbian adventures.

Shrag graduated from high school in Berkeley in and attended Columbia University: she has lived in New York City since that time, although she has now moved from Morningside Heights to a more Bohemian spot in Brooklyn. And it was in Brooklyn that Schrag read from her newly-published novel, Adam…. Each outside label has an affect on that individuals own conception of them, effectively rising or lowering self-image. Once inside a more specific group, these individuals have the capacity to flourish, and gain more and more self-esteem, Handler, This occurs mainly due to the xenophobia each group portrays towards other groups, which then creates a hostile environment for the establishment of strong individual identities.

One way to examine the formations of deaf and queer identities using the Social Identity…. References Adam, B. Barry, P. Lesbian and gay criticism. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Bourdieu, P. Plus, domestic partner benefits can improve a company's employee retention rate. Third, and probably most important, the costs of covering medical expenses for domestic partners are minimal upon the company. Several studies have revealed that offering insurance benefits for domestic partners generates cost increase for the company in the amount of one or even less per cent - less that the costs of hiring new employees or facing judiciary trials for discrimination.

Conclusions The continuous changes in the American life style and family structure have led to changes in the industrial, economic and medical domains. The yesterday irrelevant number…. html , last accessed on December 4, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the United States," , Vital Health and Statistics Series 23, Number 22, Department of Health and Human Services. Cross Dressing Upon meeting an individual, the first distinction observed is whether the person is male or female. More often than not, this first impression is made from what the individual is wearing, such as a man's suit or a woman's dress. However, sexual gender cannot always be assumed by what one is wearing.

Based on history and culture, people have been conditioned to visually assess whether an individual appears as they are expected, meaning, a woman looks like a woman and a man looks like a man based on how he or she is dressed Lyons pp. This process of gender appropriate dress begins at birth, as parents dress their children in "gender-symbolic dress that encourages other to…. Work Cited Moulton, John L. III; Adams-Price, Carolyn E. life -- relates to how sexual, cultural and religious biases can have a horrible impact on people who are different. In this film, the need for understanding is very strong because Noah is a boy who feels more like a girl. In this class we discussed transgender situations that call for tolerance and fairness towards others who may be quite different.

The important concepts discussed in class made a very strong impression on me because before I became a member of this class I have to admit I was not keeping an open mind about people who are very different from me. The film and this class connected me to my own experiences. I admit I was prejudiced against cross-dressers, against men changing themselves sexually into women and females making changes that turned them into men. Works Cited Everywhere Psychology Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She. Communication -- Gender and Communication The parameters of gender have undergone a dramatic expansion through the efforts of Science and enlightened feminists such as Nancy Mairs.

Their contributions allow a multitude of genders and new definitions that account for the richness of human sexuality. As a result, femininity can be defined in the broadest and richest terms as a set of psychological traits unconstrained by classically masculine and feminine boundaries. Actions are not masculine or feminine, but approaches to them are masculine or feminine. The classically oppressive confinement of "normal" gender to male and female is no longer viable, for humanity exists in a far greater array of sexual characteristics than genitals can distinguish or dictate. Anne Fausto-Sterling offers many examples of Science's growing acceptance of broad gender range, reaching…. Works Cited Fausto-Sterling, A. The five sexes: Why male and female are not enough. Retrieved on February 19, from www.

pdf Mairs, N. Plaintext essays by Nancy Mairs. Tucson, AZ: University of Airzona Press. Mass Media A Deconstruct of the movie "Paris is Burning" as it relates to 6 Chapters in our textbook Paris Is Burning is a provocative and controversial documentary film released in the year The direction was done by Jennie Livingston who focused on filming the drag ball culture and society that existed in the city of New York during the s. The film focuses on three primary topics: race, homosexuality and prejudice towards a social stereotype. Hence the movie focuses on not just the culture of the whites in the American urban society but also the lifestyles of the African-Americans, Latinos and gays within the communities while also shedding light on the lives of the transsexual and sex workers in the city.

The significance of the movie is not only on the thought-provoking topics it covers, but also in its style of filming and the fact that it perhaps…. References Clarkson, J. The limitations of the discourse of norms: Gay visibility and degrees of transgression. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 32 4 , Published by Sage Publications, Inc. Green, J. Retrieved August 9th, Merskin, D. Three faces of Eva: Perpetuation of the hot-Latina stereotype in Desperate Housewives. Howard Journal of Communications, 18, Moore, C. Resisting, reiterating and dancing through: the swinging closet doors of Ellen DeGeneres's televised personalities.

Beirne Ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Sexuality and Stigma in Cinema: Gay and Transgender Representation According to the sociological theorist Erving Goffman, to bear a 'stigma' is to viewed by society as abnormal. Until relatively recently, people in estern society who possessed same-sex desire were stigmatized as 'homosexuals' and deemed to be deviant. The films Maurice and the Naked Civil Servant show two different responses to stigmatization: in Maurice, the hero appears to do all he can to avoid living under such a stigmatized status while in Naked Civil Servant, the hero Quentin Crisp quite blatantly and proudly uses his stigmatized identity as a badge of honor.

However, both men ultimately strive to reconfigure society's stigmatized attitude into something more positive and it may be…. Works Cited Crossman, Ashley. htm The Crying Game. Directed by Neil Jordan, would like to start my research paper on Transgender by informing the reader on what the definition and the terms for Transgender are. Many individual transgender identify themselves as male or female,. Parents would say that it may just be a phase and would try to prevent them from doing anything that they may regret. of paper html LPGA players vote to allow transgender women golfers - ESPN. Retrieved from. Home Page Transgender. Free Transgender Essays and Papers. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade.

Satisfactory Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Good Essays. Transgender And Transgender Words 3 Pages. Transgender And Transgender. Transgender: The History Of The Transgender Community Words 4 Pages. Transgender: The History Of The Transgender Community. transgender children Words 2 Pages. transgender children. Better Essays. The Transgender Community Words 4 Pages. The Transgender Community. The History Of Transgender Words 2 Pages. The History Of Transgender. Examples Of Transgender Words 2 Pages. Examples Of Transgender.

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